Jinan Limam has a PhD in Public Law and she is an Associate Professor in Public Law at the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences in Tunis. She has taught courses, given lectures and supervised student’s thesis for twenty years which gives her the mastery of the legal and political framework of the Political Institutions in Tunisia, especially during the context of the democratic transition, with a comprehensive set of benchmarks for constitution-making process.

Her main interests and research focus on constitutional Law, comparative constitutional law, constitutional litigation law, human rights law and European Union law.

She has also ten years of experience as a Senior consultant in constitutional Law with international organizations in Tunisia and abroad (MENA Region/Africa). She has gained extensive experience on constitution-making process as she has been called upon since 2011 to carry out expert missions in several transitional assistance projects, especially in Tunisia, Libya and the Republic of Central Africa.

She has also several published works including:

-“The Tunisian-European Union Association Agreement and the Democratic Process in Tunisia” in XUEREB (P.) (ed.), Intercultural Dialogue and Citizenship, European Research and Documentation Centre, Malta, 2004 : file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/L’ACCORD%20D’ASSOCIATION%20TUNISIE-UNION%20EUROPEENNE%20ET%20LE%20PROCESSUS%20DEMOCRATIQUE%20EN%20TUNISIE.pdf

– “The Electoral Campaign for Constituent Assembly Elections”, The Tunisian Association for Political Studies, with the contribution of Hans Seidel, Tunis, 2012.

– “Religious Freedom in Tunisia. The scope of ambivalence », in FERRARI (A.), TORONTO (J.), Religions and Constitutional Transitions in The Muslim Mediterranean. The Pluralistic Moment, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017, pp. 77- 88 : https://books.google.tn/books?id=Nz8lDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA77&lpg=PA77&dq=freedom+of+religion+in+Tunisia+the+scope+of+ambivalence+Jinan+Limam&source=bl&ots=kXJFQ9loD8&sig=LxTBQK1o31cYPrFtoIfImd32F40&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSheLMl6DYAhUB2KQKHXAjAbAQ6AEIJDAA#v=onepage&q=freedom%20of%20religion%20in%20Tunisia%20the%20scope%20of%20ambivalence%20Jinan%20Limam&f=false

-Let’s talk about the Constitutional Court, DRI- Tunisia, 2018: http://democracy-reporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/DRI-TN-Discutons-de-la-Cour-constitutionnelle_12-04-2018.pdf

-“Women’s Political Participation in Tunisia: The Test of Parity”, Acts of Conference-Electoral systems and gender equality in democratic transitions, EFI, Geneva, 2019, pp. 27-47: http://www.efi-ife.org/sites/default/files/Geneva%20International%20Conference%20Feb%2028-2019.pdf