Alessandro Ferrari is Professor of State Laws and Religions and Comparative Law of Religions at the University of Insubria (Varese and Como) and is the present director of REDESM. He is associated member of GSRL, the CNRS Research Group Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (Paris) and of the Unité Mixte de Recherche Droit, Religion, Entreprise et Société of the Strasbourg University and CNRS. He is member of the coordination of the network PLURIEL-Linking Researchers on Islam and Dialogue ( Since 2010 he has been member of the different Councils for the relations with Islam established at the Italian Home Ministry. His research interests focus on the legal status of Muslims in Europe, the transformation of European secularism and the religious freedom across the two Mediterranean shores. He has been Visiting Fellow at the Islamic Legal Studies Program of the Harvard Law School (2019), invited Directeur d’Études at the École Pratiques des Hautes Études – Paris (2018) and Roberta Buffett Visiting Scholar at the Northwestern University (2014). His current research project concerns the development of the right to religious freedom between the two Mediterranean shores read through the prism of the legal treatment of the “Muslim headscarf.” His publications are available at the page
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